
Transform your home & lifestyle
Make time for the things that really matter …. ….

Tidying Festival Clients who are transforming their homes and lives

Home sweet home 🌸

If Marie Kondo is about unshackling from an excess of possessions to achieve liberation from clutter and confusion, this is what Linda Gelens has brought to my home in the last 4 visits – organizing by category and sparking immense joy! Between her positivity towards detachment and treasuring, encouragement and empathy and my desire to freely enjoy my home, she’s scored 100% (or 5 Trust Pilot stars). Bless you Linda and thanks!

K, Oxford



Linda really knows her stuff

Linda really knows her stuff. And how to get inside your head! She makes you think – properly think! Her energy and enthusiasm seem boundless.

K, Oxfordshire

Transform your living space.  Illustration from
“Spark Joy” Marie Kondo

“Just come in from 200 mile round trip in driving rain.  Exhausted.  But – for the first time in months, it felt like coming into a haven rather than a hellhole.  That’s because of you.  Thanks Linda.”




Transform your home with the KonMari 'Tidying Method

Commit today to do the Tidying Festival – and transform you home

“Let me share a secret.  Putting your house in order is fun!  The process of assessing how you feel about the things you own, identifying those that have fulfilled their purpose, expressing your gratitude and bidding them farewell is really about examining your inner self, a rite of passage to a new life.  The yardstick by which you judge is your intuitive sense of attraction, and therefore there’s no need for complex theories or numerical data.  All you need to do is follow the right order.  So arm yourself with plenty of bin bags and prepare to have fun”.

Marie Kondo, “The Life-changing Magic of Tidying”