The Tidy Alternative
We guarantees a friendly, professional and Confidential Service
“By successfully completing this once-in-a-lifetime Tidying Festival, you will achieve the lifestyle you aspire to and be able to enjoy a clean and uncluttered space of your choosing.” Marie Kondo “The Life-Chnging Magic of Tidying”
Hourly Rate
All sessions are a minimum of three hours. That is just long enough to see results.
Most people start to flag after five hours, but if time is limited and you’re prepared to put in the effort, an eight hour day is possible. The transformation we can achieve in one day, working side by side, is fantastic.
Minimum Hourly rate £39
“The work involved can be broadly divided into two kinds: deciding whether or not to throw something away and deciding where to put it. If you can do these two things, you can indeed achieve perfection.” Marie Kondo
Regular Slot
Some clients like to have a few sessions close together, to get started, before settling down into a regular weekly, bi-weekly or monthly slot.
Marie Kondo recommends you allow a maximum of 6 months to tidy your home in a one-off Tidying Festival.
We guarantee a friendly, professional and confidential service.
“A dramatic reorganisation of the home causes correspondingly dramatic changes in your lifestyle and perspective. It is life-transforming.” Marie Kondo
Sprint Tidy
Are you prepared to invest one or two weeks of your time to transform your home?
Depending on the size of your house a team of KonMari consultants, cleaners and helpers could be called upon.
“I can guarantee if you follow the method through to the end you will never have an untidy house again” Marie Kondo
Home visits, more than 20 miles from OX14 4PD will be charged at 50 p per mile.
Cancellations within 48 hours are charged at the full rate.
“What would you think if I told you that with this technique you only tidy once and never again” Marie Kondo
Reprinted from SPARK JOY Copyright © 2015 by Marie Kondo. Illustrations copyright © 2012, 2015 by Masako Inoue. Published by Ten Speed Press.”